High stakes that only increase
YA can be epic, but most of the time, it can also be pretty tame. Ash Princess broke the mold in that sense. The stakes are high from the get go, making you sympathize with Theo and her predicament. All the bad things that could happen, happen. And you're just there, like her, unable to stop them. It makes you root for her, for the resistance and make you feel for the people of Astrea.
A question of morals
As the rightful queen of Astrea, Thea is presented with difficult choices. How much is freedom worth? How many lives is she willing to sacrifice to recover her life, her land? What is she willing to give up? Where is the limit? She wonders about this continously throughout the story, maybe up to the very end, and I was right there with her. I really didn't have the answers. There was no Oh my god, but the answer is so obvious! The answers weren't obvious. Any decision would have consequences and Theo will have to live with those decisions and consequences she made. And I loved that. It wasn't easy, and it'll only get worse before it gets better during the series, I think.
The love triangle
Yes, I distinguished the shape of a love triangle. It was well done, in my opinion, because it was part of the story, in the way that there's the guy she should probably choose, and the one that's beyond forbidden. But at the same time, it wasn't overwhelming. It was just well placed, because it served a purpose. It made sense and it was entertaining and also intriguing because I'm still wondering how on earth that will play out.