I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to this one - this book is absolutely beloved, but for me it just didn't hit the mark. This was a cute, fun and diverse read and I enjoyed the writing style. This was such a breeze to read, I sped through it in no time. One of the things I loved about this was the portrayal of Dimple's feminist views, I found that a very empowering aspect of the book and a joy to read.
Unfortunately there were some things which stopped me from enjoying it as much as I wanted to. Firstly, I wasn't a fan of how Dimple treated Rishi throughout the book - I loved Rishi and spent most of the book wanting to give him a big hug. The romance felt forced to me - I wanted Dimple to rise above the patriarchy, not ultimately end up with the guy to whom her parents have arranged her marriage. I know it was her choice, which made all the difference, but it wasn't what I'd expected from this book. There was also too much focus on the romance and not enough focus on the rest of the plot. I was expecting more of the coding storyline and that barely featured - this book could've taken place literally anywhere else. I wish I'd loved this as much as most people seemed to, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.