More than anything, an old man wishes he were young again--until he spends the day with his grandson.
The Stepford Wives meets Stephen King in this debut mystery: a sleepy New England beach town is wrecked by a hurricane that reveals an unthinkable 30-year-old secret. When a catastrophic hurricane devastates Stone Cove Island, a serene New England resort community, everyone pulls together to rebuild. Seventeen-year-old Eliza Elliot volunteers to clean out the island’s iconic lighthouse and stumbles upon a secret in the wreckage: a handwritten, anonymous confession to a twenty-five-year-old crim...
Granny describes some of the pranks she pulled when she was young.
The Brave Little Boy, Book 2, Andy and the Bully
by Rowe Jl Walker
Phoebe Rose dreams of becoming an artist. But the only person who encourages her is her father, and suddenly he's gone, "ripped away like a page from a book." Phoebe and her mother are forced to live on the streets, dragging a suitcase with all their belongings from soup kitchen to soup kitchen, trying to get by. Homelessness nearly crushes Phoebe's spirit and nobody notices when she stops drawing. When the "last worse thing happens," Phoebe's mother sends her to live with her grandmother at Ful...
When the move to Chicago leaves twelve-year-old Rosie without friends, she is thrilled when her brother asks her to fill in for his baseball team, even if it means dressing up like a boy.