Written on Sep 5, 2016
This one really tugged on my heart. The way Maribeth had to face her past head-on in order to move forward. The way she felt like everyone left her: her mother, her husband, her best friend. The terror she felt that she would leave her children forever, and they would be motherless. Forman does such a wonderful job exploring all those emotions and all the different types of relationships one can be a part of. She also does a fantastic job bringing Maribeth to that place of self realization.
I loved the way Forman flashed back to give us a better picture of what was going on in Maribeth's head. She shared some painful and beautiful moments. I was also very fond of the people she brought into Maribeth's life to help her through her personal crisis. The emotional balance and pacing were perfect for me. The very, very end sort of fell flat for me -- and I mean the very last page, but overall I really enjoyed Forman's first foray into adult fiction.