Written on Aug 26, 2012
The tale picks up shortly after book one ended, and we find ourselves in England with Lanore and Luke Findley. While at a museum, Lanore senses that Adair has escaped the prison that she and Jonathan trapped him in over two hundred years ago. Lanore is terrified for she knows he will hunt her down and seek revenge. Adair wakes up to find his fortune gone and the world around him completely changed. He seeks one of the others and makes plans to find Lanore. The tale that unfolds left me breathless, as Lanore tries to escape and the two of them deal with their complex feelings.
The characters in this tale are unique, complex, and twisted. I find myself completely surprised that I connected with them and understood them. They are all flawed, all damaged and despite what they claim they all want love. We get to know more of Adair’s back story, and things we thought were true, turn out to be lies. We learn more about the other members of Adair’s twisted family and I enjoyed getting to know them. I liked Lanore more in this novel, perhaps I understood her a little better. While a part of me still fears Adair I was completely floored by the other side of him that Katus unveiled to us. I am amazed at the hold Lanore has on Jonathan, Luke and Adair. I think what I find refreshing is that she doesn’t think she deserves it, and has a twisted idea of “happiness”. These characters will haunt you long after you close the book.
While there is still a veil of mystery to the alchemy behind Adair and his ties to them all, I found this to be a wonderful middle book. Often, it can fall flat, but this was action packed and took me on an emotional ride. Character development and depth brought the tale to life. The author’s writing style flows beautifully as you ride one intense scene after another. Elements of suspense, mystery and fear had me turning the pages, oblivious to the world around me. This is a dark tale that explores love, greed, hatred, selfishness and power. The characters kept me riveted and I consumed this in a single afternoon. This tale will take you out of your comfort zone and intrigue you at the same time. Readers in our group have made comments like, “It made me uncomfortable, yet I loved it.” “It’s sick but addicting.” It has left me eagerly awaiting the final installment and has currently earned a place on my top five adult novels for 2012.
Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer