Written on Sep 12, 2015
Pretty simple and basic. But I'm getting tired of those complex book covers so this one is a nice change.
I probably should have reread the first book but I slowly started remembering more and more as I read. I knew I liked the first book and that it had tons of potential so I was hoping that this one turned out good too.
I was a little disappointed with the whole memory loss stuff with Jessica. I thought she was a great character but it sucked that the first book basically never happened because she couldn't remember anything. I really liked how she handled it though even though she didn't freak out as much as a normal person would. That part bothered me a little. But she's clever, brave, and completely in love which was adorable.
I found this book focused more on Eric so I ended up liking him more than I did in the first book. I was pretty happy we got to see more about his life now that we understand some pieces of it. I was a little disappointed that he stuck so close to the prophecy and didn't try to fight it thought. I would have liked to see him fight that a little bit instead of just accepting his fate.
I found the characters well developed and the plot face paced. I did have a hard time with the dual personalities though. Each character had two names and I kept getting confused as to who was who. I eventually caught on towards the end of the book but it made it really hard to follow sometimes. I wish that had been done a little differently.
I'm actually really looking forward to the next book. I'm eager to see if my suspicions are right for who Darthon is. I also want to see how they're going to get around the latest problem at the end of this book. This is turning out to be a really great series and I'd especially recommend it to paranormal fans. It's not your typical vampires and werewolves either. This is something new and different.
See full review here