My personal health reality includes sleeping medications, so I rarely suffer from anything that could be called insomnia. Except on very rare occasions when they fail, and last night they failed spectacularly - I never went to sleep. I finally...
Read moreMy personal health reality includes sleeping medications, so I rarely suffer from anything that could be called insomnia. Except on very rare occasions when they fail, and last night they failed spectacularly - I never went to sleep. I finally started to nod off when MT's alarm went off and I briefly contemplated instigating a domestic disturbance.
The good news - I guess - is that I finished The Dirt on Ninth Grave in one sitting. I was engrossed enough in the story to not want to put it down, but I'd have preferred not feeling like a zombie on toast today. I definitely, thoroughly, enjoyed this book but I liked it the least of the nine books so far. It was the amnesia thing. We finally got to a place in the story arc where we had answers and a clear goal in site and then this book comes along and we're temporarily rebooted to Charley not knowing anything. I thought this would only last a few chapters... maybe half the book at the outside, but nope: Charley doesn't snap out of it until the end.
I saved this book until The Curse of Tenth Grave was released because I'd read from several places that Ninth Grave ended on a cliffhanger. I'll argue this ending isn't a cliffhanger though, because the action comes to an end; the story is paused. A major story-arc plot twist is revealed, but it's more a 'how will this affect the arc' twist, rather than 'ohmigod is someone gonna die in chapter 1 of book 10?!?'. ...I think.
Thankfully, I have the next book sitting here waiting, so I can find out. After I take a nap.