"Song of the Silent Harp, Book One" of BJ Hoff's acclaimed and bestselling "Emerald Ballad" series begins the five-book saga of three friends raised in a tiny Irish village devastated by the Potato Famine of the mid-1800s, as they struggle to survive and hold onto their faith during Ireland's darkest days...Nora Kavanagh has lost her husband and young daughter, and now lives in fear of losing her home. She and her young son, Daniel, have only one hope for survival, the poet/patriot - and love of Nora's youth - Morgan Fitzgerald. But his dangerous involvement with a band of Irish rebels keeps him in constant danger and puts the possibility of a future for him and those he loves in jeopardy. Michael Burke, a close childhood friend of both Nora and Morgan, left his homeland for America and is now a New York City policeman. A widower with a difficult, rebellious son, he still remembers Nora with love and fondness and wants nothing more than to help her escape the cataclysmic famine and build a new life ...with him. This panoramic epic of love and faith and adventure spans an ocean to follow three of BJ Hoff's most memorable characters in their quest for survival and courage and hope.
- ISBN10 0736927883
- ISBN13 9780736927888
- Publish Date 1 July 2010 (first published 1 March 1991)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Harvest House Publishers,U.S.
- Format Paperback
- Pages 432
- Language English