Written on Jul 29, 2020
That went too bloody fast.
I keep telling myself I should slow down but I'm really enjoying my re-read/listen of the Victorian Rebels. Firstly, because they are fantastic stories and Kerrigan Byrne is a LEGEND, and secondly, because Derek Perkins is a master at his craft.
The one thing that is standing out with my re-read/listening experience, is how many clues for the future stories we get with each instalment. A big goofy grin comes across my face when I realise The Scot, The Duke, and The Knight are coming to life.
I forgot how much of a DOUCHEWAFFLE Cole is. My heart hurt for Imogen with every insult that passed his lips. Even knowing how it plays out, I was doubting that I could ever forgive him for the hurt he caused. Such an arrogant jerk with lofty ideals, the scene at Imogen's charity event made my stomach turn. I know he comes good at the end, but I was less than impressed with what came out of his mouth.
I wish I could slow down, but alas, it's too late. I must go on!! It's time to catch up with The Scot Beds His Wife.
Stop the world…I need to read.
After finishing The Duke I have come to the conclusion that this series is my crack. I really cannot get enough of the Victorian Rebels and I am enthralled from the first page to the last. The Duke was bloody amazing. I refuse to say this series gets better or this is my favourite so far. Each and every one of the Victorian Rebels, at the time of reading is my favourite. I’m addicted and I have no desire to ever be rehabilitated. If Kerrigan Byrne ever announces a final in this series…I WILL BE DEVASTATED!!
I’m not going to do my usual ramblings for this review because I went into The Duke blind and I think the experience was better for it. I can confirm that the beginning had me a little surprised, completely sucked in and even a wee bit flushed and breathless. Kerrigan Byrne has given us an original storyline where you question how there could ever be a happy ever after for the couple.
The author has a brilliant way of taking you to the dark side and counting your blessings that the ruthless giant by your side is there to protect you and eventually cherish you. Yes, I am the heroine every time, so that means I have already - worked at Scotland Yard, been a beautiful and famous actress, survived a mental asylum and now I’ve nursed a hero back to health.
Each instalment gives me an opportunity to step back in time and experience the highs and lows of living in the late 1800s. I admire the women I become and learn to love the men who stand beside me.
Again, I have to state that The Duke was bloody brilliant. The heroine was strong, resilient and generous. Her life is dedicated to helping others and I admired her strength in facing challenges. The hero we meet at the start is very different from the hero we end up with. Both are arrogant, strong and intelligent but the hero, in the end, can only see the light with his heroine by his side.
The Victorian Rebels does not shy away from the dark side of our history. We see “gentleman” use their positions to take advantage. The author does not hide the ugly side of London where prostitution isn’t a choice, debts are paid by whatever means and reputations can be tarnished in the blink of an eye. Each instalment has violence, foul language and abuse but for me, it’s never OTT or unnecessary. It’s just part of the whole picture.
As per usual, I have finished The Duke desperate for more Kerrigan Byrne.
Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.