Written on Oct 18, 2017
A wealthy recluse sends Louis and Angel on a mission to a town where things aren't as they seem and where they find themselves in serious danger. Charlie Parker has to come to their rescue but things are quite perilous and survival won't be easy. This will make and break relationships.
Not so much of the supernatural but a lot of assassins and killers being brutal to each other. I liked Willie, the mechanic and his story drew me in (as I'm sure the author intended).
There was a great piece: "When the three men had gone, Brooker sat silently at his kitchen table while his wife rolled dough behind him, and tried to ignore the waves of disapproval that were breaking upon his back." (p. 336 in my edition) I liked the imagery.
There were some very gory parts to this... not for the squeamish, the relish some of the characters had for killing was chilling.
Falls into Murder most foul, probably serial/spree killer (several of those in the story); In the Dark, Dark woods. I intended it for American Horror Story, it's more the horrible things people can do to each other but I'm going to count it.