I loved the plot and it actually felt like it moved faster than the first book. It picks up where All that Glows leaves off. Richard and Emrys unveiling the Fae and teaching the nation how to coexist with them. What I love so much about it, is that it really shows the struggle of accomplishing this. It gives the diversity of the fact that not everyone is happy with the decision. Especially when it comes to cutting down on tech and relinquishing a bit of control to magic. I also like how Emrys has her own struggle with giving up her magic to become mortal. Also there is some great tie-in to Camelot and of course a mystery to be solved.
Emrys has definitely changed since her days as a Fae. She is more emotionally driven than duty driven. I loved how firm she is in her love for Richard, even when she has doubts. There is that glowing spot in the back of her mind reminding her what she is fighting for. She is still pretty tough even without her powers. She finds it difficult to take a more sideline role.
Richard is as always Richard. Sweet, reliable and charming. I like how steady and understanding he is.
I loved that Annabelle has more of role in this story. She’s a fierce character. I wouldn’t mind seeing a spin-off of her. Her energy is contagious even in story form.
Keiran is an interesting addition. Especially because he is not Fae but Ad-hen which is something different. Adds to depth of the paranormal creatures.
I really enjoyed All that Burns and I burned right through it. Ha ha...okay not so funny but I was sucked in and reading at top speed to fit all the clues together. Who is doing this, why are they doing it, how are they going to stop this. Ahh! Like I said I’m definitely rooting for an Anabelle spin-off!