Written on Jun 13, 2012
2.5 stars
I really am not liking this series and don't think I will continue. This story is very similar to the first story. How is one person falsely accused of multiple murders in two completely different countries? It is just a little too fake for me. I also didn't like the secondary characters in this story. I couldn't stand Tiffany, the professional virgin, or Marma Belle (or however you spell her name. Since I was listening, I never saw how it was spelled).
The relationship with Drake is another thing that got under my skin. At the end of the last story and the beginning on this one, Aisling does not want anything to do with Drake the dragon. Partway through this story, he makes one obscure promise and she then starts to fawn all over him. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Also, my favorite character, Jim the demon dog, was mostly absent. He spent a large amount of the story at the vet after eating toxic plants.