Written on Oct 13, 2021
My big problem is that Mark was in a relathionship for most of the storyline. Whilst pursuing Maggie. And she is aware of it. And it changes absolutely nothing. Now I kind of am okey with him having a relationship in the beginning, then meeting her and realizing that, even if there is absolutely nothing wrong with his girlfriend (because, really she was awesome until Mark needed a reason to break up with her for the plot), that the feelings are just not there. Perfectly reasonable and I like to see that realistic aspect in books, that sometimes the feelings are just not what they should be. But... for like 3/4th of the story? He needs that long for that realization? After basically going on dates with Maggie and spending holidays with her? That's just not it and if I were in her shoes, that would be a dealbreaker for me.
Also, Maggie is sooo grievstriken, but we don't see that in her everyday life. She never thinks about her husband, unless it is to motivate her not to give in to Mark.
So... 3.5 Stars from me, but honestly, it is a very nice book, it just has some tropes I can't stand. If you have no problems with those, you should absolutely love this one, the subtle magic and the chemistry between Mark and Maggie is really cute and the growing family thing is adorable!