Written on Aug 30, 2009
I absolutely loved 10 Reasons Not To Fall In Love. When it comes to new authors I’m always worried I might not enjoy it but with 10 Reasons I had no reason to worry. Linda Green’s writing is brilliant and sucks you straight into the story. It’s told in the first-person narrative and for most of the book that’s narrated by Jo. However there’s a few chapters from Dan in which we learn of his past, again told in first-person.
I loved Jo’s character, I could understand exactly why she didn’t want to fall for another man particularly after what her ex, who is also her boss, Richard did. I loved the relationship between her and her son Alfie and found Alfie highly amusing.
Dan was a great main male character. He had serious issues and his childhood was horrific which we learnt through his chapters and I felt so sorry for him and what he went through. As we got nearer to the end I was surprised at what we found out about his past and didn’t see it coming.
What I liked most though was that Linda managed to bring Dan, Jo and Alfie together at the beginning of the book and it was great to read how they got to know each other and how their feelings changed toward each other. Not only that but Alfie was hugely important to Jo and Dan’s friendship – he was the driving force! I have no idea how 2-year-olds act/speak but I found Alfie infectious – he just seemed so happy!
From Dan, Jo and Alfie’s first meeting to everything in between, it was really well done by Linda and I just wanted to keep reading to see what happened next between them all. Alfie’s accident came as a huge surprise and put a huge spanner in the works and I couldn’t help hoping they could all sort it out! Not only that but I wanted Jo to find out exactly what happened to Dan.
All of the minor characters were just that, minor including Jo’s ex (and Alfie’s dad) Richard, Jo’s parents, Jo’s friends… all present but not of huge importance to the story. The story was really just about Jo, Dan and Alfie and I liked that that was how it was.
It was a hugely enjoyable read – one of my favourite of 2009, I’m sure! Well written and with enjoyable, sympathetic character. I’ll be on the look out for Linda’s debut and whatever novels she has out in the future.
Rating: 5/5