Written on Sep 10, 2015
Secrets of Neverak has all of the characters in so much distress: mentally, physically, and emotionally. Within the first few chapters many of them have to pass through a horrifying place called, The Iron Forrest, which is haunted. That was a very hard chapter to read because of what they go through during their passage. It just seems like one terrible thing after another keep happening to Henry, James, Maggie, Ruther, and a new friend Thirsty. I just kept thinking...please give them a break! I know it adds excitement and the characters grow a lot as individuals as they go through each trial. Isabelle has her own things to handle as a slave/concubine in Neverak and trying to stay out of the way of jealous women and the Emperor who wants her as his own. Isabelle has the hope that Henry and the others are on their way to rescue her, but she keeps trying to find ways to escape.
Meanwhile, there are hideous bounty hunters after our heroes, the Emperor of Neverak is planning an invasion of his allies, and none of our main characters can stay out of trouble. I kept reading quickly because I hopefully wanted their journey to end and happily. But, here is the kicker, this series is NOT over yet. It ended and I sat there thinking how dreadful it was that now I had to wait for more. Author Jacob Gowans is a great storyteller, and you don't want to miss out on this YA Fantasy that will be enjoyed by older teens and adults of all ages and imaginations.