Written on Jul 23, 2016
This is an anthology of three unrelated stories that all take place in Moonbright, Maine during Halloween. The first story takes place before the Halloween party at Rose Cottage. The second is set during the party, and the third takes place the day after the Halloween party.
2 Stars -- Charmed By You by Kate Angell
Both characters didn't make a first great impression. Grace came across kind of uptight and bitchy, but there is a scene with her and some kids at the costume store that made me fall in love with her. Cade, well he came across as a lazy judgmental narcissist asshole. He was hired to help Grace and all he did was whine and act like a jerk every time he was asked to do ANYTHING.
Unfortunately because of the way his character acts from the get go I wanted him to go find a hole to fall into. Not to mention the reason he hated Halloween was so lame. He got caught toilet papering Rose Cottage when he was 17 and had to do community service. So now he HATES Halloween??
The ending was very abrupt also. I wouldn't even call it a HFN scenario
4 Stars -- Mesmerized by You by Jennifer Dawson.
This one was a super sweet and magical friends to lovers story. Jack and Chloe were both likable characters and it was sweet watching them figure out their love for each other. This one also had a better "happy for now" ending.
"Here.” She was already unbuttoning his jeans. He pulled her questing fingers away. “Are you kidding? There are probably ticks all over the place. I can’t have you ending up with Lyme disease.” See, this was why they were so perfect for each other. She huffed, planting her hands on her hips. “Lyme disease? Really? I offer you my body, and you’re thinking about ticks? He shrugged. “I’m a doctor. Best-case scenario you’re out of commission for months. I don’t like those odds. I’ve managed to last thirty years, I can make it back to the room.!
5 Stars -- Enchanted by You by Sharla Lovelace
This was my favorite story of the the three we get. A second chance romance with a nice bit of angst and a sweet little happy for now ending.
Sydney and Sawyer fell in love as teenagers, but insecurities and outside influences place doubt in Sawyer's mind and he leaves Sydney behind with a broken heart. Can these two find magic again in Moonbright?
"Sawyer pulled her to him with a smile he didn’t feel, everything inside him screaming not to let this end this way. Not to let her go."