The Cottage On Pumpkin And Vine by Sharla Lovelace, Kate Angell, Jennifer Dawson

The Cottage On Pumpkin And Vine

by Sharla Lovelace, Kate Angell, and Jennifer Dawson

Welcome to Moonbright, Maine...Where the scents of donuts and cider waft through the crisp night air...with just a hint of magic. It's time for the annual Halloween costume party at the cottage on Pumpkin and Vine, the perfect place to celebrate the pleasures of the season. Guests return to the picturesque B & B year after year to snuggle up in its cozy rooms, explore the quiet, tree-lined streets and enjoy all the spooky fun of the holiday. But local legend whispers that it's also a place where wishes have a strange way of coming true. For three unsuspecting revelers, it's going to be an enchanted weekend of candy corn kisses and midnight black kittens, along with some real Halloween surprises--the kind that make your heart skip a beat--for many more celebrations to come...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

All of the stories are set at Rose Cottage a B&B in Moonbright, Maine famous for their Halloween open house. Folks say magic happens during this time of a year and folks find their true love.

  • Charmed by You by Kate Angell This is the story of Grace Alden a local party planner and owner of the costume store known as Charades. She is decorating Rose Cottage, the local B&B owned by her godmother. When we meet Grace she is shouting orders at Cade Maxwell a local mover and his crew as they unload pumpkins. It took me a while to warm up to Grace, but Angell showcased her softer side. Cade isn't loving her either but, they say magic happens this time of a year.  After a very interesting lunch with Aunt Amelia Rose the two of them fall into a steady working rhythm and despite having lived here all of their lives begin to notice each other. Angell was a new to me author, but I enjoyed the small-town feel. She delivered a sweet romance with a dash of heat. Come spend time with Grace and Cade as they decorate for the Halloween open house.  -3 cups of pumpkin lattes

  • Mesmerized by You by Jennifer Dawson A spicy pumpkin friend to lovers’ romance.  I love these type of romances where best friends are the last ones to know they are perfect for each other. Chloe Armstrong and her best friend Jack Swanson are headed to Maine to spend a quiet picturesque weekend at her Aunt Iris’s house. An emergency has them sharing a room with a TINY bed at Rose Cottage. Can a tarot reading and baked goods help them see past their friendship? I always enjoy Dawson's stories she adds depth and managed to make this feel like a full length novel. Delicious heat and a little magic made this tale a joy. -4 cups of  spicy pumpkin coffee

  • Enchanted by You by Sharla Lovelace- A second chance romance between Sawyer Finn and Sidney Jensen. They shared a high school "romance" that left them both feeling hurt and sadden. Neither has been successful in love. Finn moved to Maine, she to Boston. Sidney is now a lawyer and after losing an account she tries to redeem herself by handling a lease contract for her boss. She ends up at Rose Cottage where Finn is the caretaker. This was such a sweet romance, with a touch of heat and lots of heart. I quickly became vested in this couple. A first for me by Lovelace, but I will be trying her again soon. -4.5 cups of pumpkin coffee

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 18 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2016: Reviewed