Written on May 21, 2019
Kate makes decisions and gets close to someone that doesn't really care about her. All while Marine is determined to do anything she can to get the top spot and stay thin enough.
We get to see their final year at the Paris Ballet school told in both their perspectives. This story isn't an easy one to read and has mentions of eating disorders and drug use.
Overall I had mixed feelings about this story. I really enjoyed the beginning and the ending of this story. I personally could have done without a lot of what happened in the middle, this part of the story really just dragged for me sadly.
Kate and Marine as characters I went back and forth on liking and not being able to stand them. This part was also what made me like this story, getting to see them grow and change throughout the story was realistic at times. They are young and learning and making mistakes as times go on and living in a very high-pressure environment. The author did a great job of showing how alienated all of the dancers were at times and how they each dealt with this in different ways. This part was really fascinating to me and I loved the ending so much because it really showed how much they had changed from the beginning of the story to the end.