Cocktails and Books
Written on Mar 26, 2014
Knox is still struggling with his sex addiction, but we find that Knox is willing to work on his addiction for McKenna. He understands his triggers a little bit better and works to keep his feelings under control. But we find that easier for him to do with he's with McKenna. Not because she's a counselor and she's dispensing some kind of words of wisdom, but simply because she's McKenna and she calms his demons. If I didn't already really like Knox, his action in this book would have made me. We see so much more of him than the guy who uses sex and women to make himself feel better. We saw a loving man who takes care of those he loves and he proved that many times with his actions.
McKenna struggled in this book. Struggled with the line was crossing with Knox, even though she didn't really do anything to stop that. She struggled with trusting not only her feelings but what she thought Knox's feelings were for her, even though he never expressed them out loud. She struggled with her loyalty to David and not wanting to hurt his feelings over her relationship with Knox. And then when an accident brings back all the memories from her parents death, she struggles to let go of her guilt over their death and deal with their estate.
I liked both the characters even more after this book. Despite both of them being "broken" in some kind of way, they understood each other to know when they needed to support the other...despite what that person may have said or done. They don't give up on each other, which seems to be what they each need.
The ending of the book surprised me and left me hoping May comes sooner rather than later. I look forward to seeing how Knox and McKenna work through their issues to get their HEA.