Written on Feb 17, 2014
Alice Hoffman has been on my TBR for a while, and I found an extremely cheap copy of Blackbird House at a sale. I'm not sure this is the best book to start with of hers, and whether Blackbird House is representative of her other books. Although Ms Hoffman's imagination is great, the stories themselves left me rather cold.
The red line throughout them is time and the place. The first story takes place about two hundred years ago (if I remember correctly) and the last one present day. There doesn't seem to be a recurring theme except a broad notion of "love".
There were a few stories that I enjoyed, but plenty more that I just didn't understand. The twist or climax just completely went past me, and when the chapter ended I was left leafing back trying to see what I had missed. The stories are much tell, very little show, and just don't seem meaty enough for me. This is a common theme for me with short stories, and the ones in Blackbird House didn't seem to be any different. It was okay and entertaining for the two hours it took me to finish, but I don't think I'll ever open the book again.