Tyson Palmer is a washed-up football player. His Father/Manager Douglas Palmer introduced him to a different world where his life existence is alcohol abuse, pain medication addiction and an ex-wife. He's caught up in a downward spiral and lost his self-respect. He's come back for a Homecoming reunion, but he doesn't know why he even bothered to make the trip. He's a pathetic figure, a shadow if his former self, sitting alone in The Bunker, where he's having a pity party. Ignored by those around him, Tyson is surprised when his former student tutor "Ella Bella" approaches him. She wants to help him, but all he sees is a woman to satisfy his carnal needs. He uses her and leaves her heartbroken...so what?
Daniella Carrino had a huge crush on Tyson Palmer during college and pleased she never gave into his advances whilst tutoring him. Her attitude towards relationships hasn't changed and still holds the same principles. Only now, she wants to help this football player get back on his feet. She wrongly believes giving herself to him is what he needs and the act will be a catalyst for a new beginning for them both. It is, but definitely not how she expected.
I love an imperfect hero and Tyson fits that description. He's got himself into a situation he can't get out of. Cue, Clinton Barrow, owner of The Austin Mavericks. He has the ambition to win The Superbowl and believes Tyson Palmer can make his dream come true IF he gets clean. Enter, Logan Montgomery, a top sports trainer who specialises in dealing with recovering athletes. Tyson's not convinced he's got what it takes to succeed but decides to embrace his unexpected second chance.
Dani Carr as she's known now is ambitious and eager to win a new position as a top sports journalist. She's had job ups and down's but heading in the right direction. Dani is about to accept a new position...the pinnacle of her career when she's offered another job to work with the Maverick's new signing Marcus LaRue. A dream come true. It also means she'll see Tyson Palmer again.
Of the protagonists, I much preferred Tyson because he changed from a loser to a winner. He lost the cocky attitude and became very humble in his recovery, where he realised what is important in life. I felt his pain when others exploited his new attitude to life. Dani is a tricky young woman and didn't warm to her so much. She talks about personal sacrifices but she's really quite selfish and manipulating. She carries a secret but doesn't want to reveal all the pieces of her puzzle until they fall to her own advantage. She uses a close family member as a pawn to get what she wants. shocking! Tyson's recovery program had a category for things that could trigger a reaction and Dani definitely belonged here: "People, Places and Things"
The writing style, dialogue and narrative are humorous, entertaining and fun. The Total Package is a medium paced book which and I enjoyed in one sitting – a luxury.
4 stars
***arc generously received from publisher William Morrow via Edelweiss***