The Cuckoo’s Calling is a story centering around Cormoran Strike, a private detective who is down on his luck and hired to work a really well known closed case deemed a suicide. The mystery itself is well worked and full of detail, and I really loved that Rowling worked to add tid bits here and there given you full opportunity to figure it out for yourself. Of course somethings are withheld to draw out the story and add that suspenseful air, but for the most part it’s out in the open. I however didn’t solve it before Cormoran, though I did suspect the outcome but only briefly. I think that Rowling maybe one of my comfort authors, like Anne Rice. We all know I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and as a result a fan of her writing, but now I’m positive that I enjoy her style as a whole. Her writing is fluid and detailed in every aspect, making the characters real and the scenes around them teem with life.
Strike is a gruff character, who is a veteran of the British Army and use to roughing it when he has to. He has his own personal demons and he has to contend with them along with outside forces through out the book. He takes some getting use to because he’s very rough around the edges but he’s quick to pick things up and pretty bright, which put me solidly in his corner. Not to mention his dedication to a case most people would have quickly dismissed. Robin is a temp and his unlikely help during most of the case and I really liked her willingness to go above and beyond what was asked of her; opening mail and searching the web. Her enthusiasm for the work kind of rubbed off on me and I was just as eager as her to see the case to a close. She’s really sharp and thinks for herself, which comes in handy quite a few times. While Strike did most of the work himself they really turned out to be a great team.
I’m looking forward to seeing how their slight friendship goes in the next book as it’s kind of teetering on a line of purely professional and actual friendship, given the ups and downs of this case. There are also a few things I’m curious to see if they come to a head or not, but most of all I’m really ready to see Strike at work on another case. If you enjoy a good murder mystery then I really think you might enjoy this one.