Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 12, 2015
Clea is a talented photojournalist. I felt sad for Clea whenever she talked about her dad. You can so see that Clea wants to be close to her mom but that she was closer to being a dad’s girl. This is especially noticeable in the way that she looks for what truly happened to her dad. She doesn't really have that super close connection to either of her parents with them being gone most of the time. She is close to Rayna, her best friend, because they are both born on the same day and they live together on the same property that her parents own. The two are so close that they can tell when the other is lying to the other or when the other is upset. Rayna is the one that pushed her to follow her feelings between Ben, a guy that is a friend/bodyguard-type of person that her parents hired for her photojournalist trips, and the one that has been showing up in Clea's pictures. Clea is a pretty stubborn person when it comes to certain parts of her life such as her photojournalist assignments, to getting her pictures taken, to her love life, and of course about her dad.
I am glad that I read this book finally (as it has been on my to read shelf for a while), to me it is worth ten butterflies as a rating, if I had a rating like that, but five butterflies rating works. If anyone asked me about this book for a recommendation I would tell them that the book was awesome and that they should give the book a try.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.