Written on Jan 9, 2013
Dakota Cassidy has a way of making her characters believable whilst still maintaing the suspension of reality through magic and supernatural elements. Jeannie's backstory is a great example of this, which I won't reveal here because it's a major spoiler, but suffice to say the poor girl has some serious issues. Luckily she gets some closure in the final showdown.
Nina shows (again) that's she's mostly all bark and no bite, but will defend anyone she feels is the underdog or just needs defending. Probably the only thing that annoys me about this series is Nina's very colourful vocabulary - it's a bit too constant, and seems to have gotten more so as the series has progressed. Other than that, she can be very sweet when it's needed and her rather brutal honesty certainly clears things up quickly when necessary, although can cause more problems.
This series has been a fun one to read and I hope there are more to come.