Homecoming is more than a romance, it's about finding yourself when you thought you were lost forever...
Both Sam and Jen were a little lost and needed direction, and the fact that both of them had best friends who were engaged to the other's best friends made working together more than a little awkward. Especially because they knew just how much chemistry they had when they let go. Homecoming was tender and sweet, and it made me want it all for Jen and Sam, with all their baggage and the way they saw their future, it would be a rocky road, for sure.
One of the things I loved about Homecoming was the theme of forgiveness. Forgiving oneself, and forgiving others, and then moving forward in life. There was a lot of compromise as well, which I think is an important part of any relationship for it to work. Add into that a new job for Sam, and an important job for Jen, and they definitely had a lot on their plates besides the budding romance between them.
This is the third book in a series, but I didn't feel like I had missed anything important by not reading the first two before this one. The small-town feel and the close friendships both between Jen and her friends, and between Sam and his friends made me a happy reader, and curious enough to want to read the prior books as well.
Written in third person, past tense, the readers got to know both of the main characters and the supporting cast well. That, plus the text messages and dialogues made the story flow at an even pace, and Homecoming was a quite fast read. If you're a fan of small town romances with mature characters, this is one you should pick up and curl up with as soon as possible.
Then there was the fact he'd lived alone since he left Stewart Mills after high school, and he wasn't very good at living his life on somebody else's schedule or remembering to put on pants before coffee in the morning.
There would be no stopping the gossip if she and Sam spent the night together, but there was gossip already and they hadn't even done anything yet. If you were going to do the time, you may as well do the crime, right?
What are you up to right now? Jen felt her pulse kick up a notch when she read the text message from Sam. Telling herself it was her body associating his name with orgasms and not an emotional reaction, she pulled up the on-screen keyboard to respond.