Written on Jun 28, 2017
This narrator is by far one of my favourites and Rock Chick Reawakening definitely reinforced that. Daisy and Marcus are two very different characters but she manages to pull them both off equally well. Listening to this makes me want to do a re-listen of the whole series...AGAIN.
I loved every minute of this story but it goes way too fast. I wanted to be in their world longer and see them together, living their lives together, growing together. I needed more.
NO CRYING ON THE TRAIN!! Thank goodness!! At least I managed to time it well this time. I was tucked up in bed playing Solitaire, knew it was coming and I had the tissues ready. There were tears but there were some laughs too.
I must have managed to block it out in my read but it was bloody obvious while listening that there was a certain word that was a wee bit overused.
Loved the audio and it will definitely be added to my frequently listened to pile.
The below review sums up my feelings beautifully about Daisy and Marcus's love story.
Exactly how I wanted my Rock Chick journey to end.
***A wee bit spoilerish if you haven't read the Rock Chick series and met Marcus and Daisy previously.***
I knew that I wanted Daisy and Marcus’s story but I didn’t realise how much until I got it. It’s the little things really. I wanted to know how Daisy became a stripper. How was it that such a sweet and beautiful lady came to be the headline act at Smithies?
I wanted to get into Marcus's head. I had a deep desire to know how Marcus felt about the way Daisy dressed, spoke and acted. Did Marcus fall for Daisy after seeing her on stage? Was it a matter of testing out her skills behind the scene and deciding to keep her (He's a rich man...she's a stripper, it's where my mind went)? Was Daisy hooked by a rich and good looking man who could build her a castle? These were all the things I had been thinking from the very first time we met Daisy in the Rock Chick series. What I got from Rock Chick Awakening was more, so much more.
What sort of life had Marcus led where someone like Daisy becomes his Princess? That probably seems a little judgemental but Daisy…well the Daisy we have come to love IS an ex-stripper. Yes, she has a heart of gold, but what makes a man who can have whoever or whatever he wants, choose a woman that gets paid to share her assets. A confident guy? Sure. A bloke who doesn’t judge a lady by the job she does? Yeppers. A man who sees she has skills but wants her to share them in a safe environment? Definitely. A hero who will do whatever it takes to see his woman protected and care for? Exactly!!
Marcus on paper is a bad guy, but I always found it hard to JUST call him a bad guy. This is a man that was portrayed to the reader as bad but always seemed to be doing good things. Marcus never hesitated to help when a Rock Chick was in strife. He always seemed devoted to Daisy and acted with class. My impression of a bad guy is one who looks out for number one first and foremost and will only help others if it helps him. Definitely not the Marcus I have grown to like and love.
I seem to be making this a review about Marcus but it’s bloody hard not to. This man is complex, has lived a busy life and he’s gorgeous, sexy and smart. He has feelings and shows a sweetness that made me swoon.
Daisy was amazing. Yes, I knew it already, but now we get to see how she became that way, who guided her journey and how a few pearls on a chain can change a life. What surprised me the most is to find out that she genuinely is sweet and caring. Her generosity isn’t just because Marcus gave her the means to do good deeds. She has always had it in her and it was refreshing to know that.
Getting to know Daisy and Marcus was bloody brilliant but Kristen Ashley has given us a sprinkling of treats from beginning to end. A lot of our favourite characters from the series make guest appearances in the cutest and best ways. This is kind of a spoiler, but not about Daisy and Marcus, so close your eyes real tight and ignore this next bit unless you’ve read Rock Chick Awakening already - LUKE STARK HAD A BEARD!! Whoever reads this and is stunned as much as I was, please message me to chat about it. I mean seriously KA…why did you shave it to a moustache? You’ve given us a hell of a hard time casting him. Now, Lucas Stark with a full and trimmed beard…OH MY LORDY!! The casting searches…hubba hubba.
I loved Rock Chick Awakening so much and was sad to see it end. I cried, laughed, smirked, blushed and sighed. Daisy is as sweet as pie, strong, determined and a lady through and through. Marcus, I knew I would love him but I think I love him even more. I now know where he has come from, what sort of person he is and how and why he fell in love with a Princess.
I could not have asked for a better ending to the Rock Chick Series. Thank you, Kristen Ashley, you’re a bloody legend.
To buy Rock Chick Reawakening from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2iy6xkq
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.