Written on Dec 7, 2019
45. A book featuring an imaginary creature
She sat alone at soda fountains, apart from the other girls, and listened to them talk about drinking alcohol; her glass of water tasted like soap. She heard them talk...Read more
2019 Popsugar Reading Challenge
45. A book featuring an imaginary creature
— I loved the film more. There’s just something more enchanting about watching this story on the screen than just reading it. Still, this was a beautiful tale of alienation, loneliness, and most of all, love.
45. A book featuring an imaginary creature
She sat alone at soda fountains, apart from the other girls, and listened to them talk about drinking alcohol; her glass of water tasted like soap. She heard them talk about dance classes; she had to freeze her hands on her ice-cream bowl so she wouldn’t pound her fists. She heard them talk about kissing. One girl said, “he makes me feel like somebody,” and Elisa dwelled upon it for months. What would feeling like somebody feel like? To suddenly exist not only in your world, but someone else’s as well?
— I loved the film more. There’s just something more enchanting about watching this story on the screen than just reading it. Still, this was a beautiful tale of alienation, loneliness, and most of all, love.