Alec made me crazy. On one hand, he infuriated me with his pompous attitude and determination to ruin Delia. However the way in which he doted on his sisters and worried after his mother moved me. Thankfully, Bradley peeled back his layers and allowed him to grow and grovel. We see tremendous character growth as the story progresses, so do not hate on him to hard.
Delia was a breath of fresh air with her clever quips and tendency to say what she thinks. Alec Sutherland unnerves her and their interaction were humorous, sensual and filled with banter. Delia is unfamiliar with the art of flirting but she manages to drive Alex insane. She too has some issues and thinks Alec is playing a game -one she intends to win.
Secondary characters were not as fleshed out as I would have liked, but added to the tale and made events plausible. The countryside setting and regency details were well done, and the story wrapped up nicely leaving me with a smile and affection for these characters.
Copy provided by publisher This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer