Moonlight on Nightingale Way started just like Alice Clayton’s Wallbanger. Thin walls make for angry neighbors. Grace is kept up all night with her next door neighbor’s all-night sexcapades. Grace finally confronts her neighbor, Logan, about his recent conquest leaving her knickers to dry on their landing banister, and we have a prejudices growing from our initial introduction. Grace sees Logan as an annoying man-whore and Logan see her as a judgment prude. From here, the story goes its separate way from Wallbanger.
After several non-friendly confrontations between the two, Grace is approached by a nosy-body neighbor who shares the information that Logan is an ex-con and that no one is safe in the building. Regardless of their personal confrontations, Grace staunchly backs Logan against the neighbor unaware that Logan and Shannon have overheard this disclosure. This becomes a turning point in their relationship.
When Logan is confronted by a young girl declaring herself to be Logan’s daughter, it is Grace who steps up as the voice of reason to help Logan and young Maia negotiate this giant change in both their lives. It has been a long time for Logan since he has felt worthy of anyone’s kindness, and he can’t imagine that someone as giving and selfless as Grace actually exists let alone would help someone with his past.
Almost overnight, Grace and Logan’s relationship changes from adversaries to friends. The addition of Maia creates almost a family dynamic between the three of them which complicates things further. Maia and Grace are bonding which each other as well as Logan and neither are prepared when they find out that Logan is still pursuing outside activities. Even after all the wonderful changes in his life, Logan still harbors the deep belief that he is unworthy of all the good that has come his way. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, Logan is destroying the relationships that he so desperately wants because he still feels undeserving.
After doing everything possible to keep Grace in the friend-zone and squashing any idea of romantic ideas that Grace and Maia are harboring, Logan realizes that in protecting himself, he is pushing Grace towards other men and the idea of her walking out of his and Maia’s lives is equally distressing. While Logan might have finally come to his senses, the damage has been done and it might be too late for him to change his mind and grab for his happily ever after with his beautiful, frustrating neighbor.
Logan will have to work hard to convince himself and Grace that he deserves another opportunity to create the family he actually deserves.
I have read several end of series stories that have left me waving good-bye and feeling that I’ve had enough. I will truly be sorry to walk away from this series. I enjoyed the characters presented here and although the time jump in Fall from India Place seemed awkward at first, it also allowed us to have a good look at what comes after the HEA. As the series continued, our original couples, Joss & Braden, Adam & Ellie, Jo & Cam and Nate & Olivia, all had their own families and we got a taste of their ups and downs through the years. It is not often that we get to enjoy a series and see that HEA’s actually continue past the epilogue.
Logan was a great selection for the ending of the series. We met Logan briefly in Echoes of Scotland Street, where we learn how Logan went to prison for avenging his sister Shannon after she was beaten up by her boyfriend. After two years trying to survive in prison, he only saw himself as damaged and unworthy. Shannon comments that until Grace, Shannon hadn’t seen Logan smile or laugh since before he went in. Logan admits that from the moment he saw how beautiful Grace was, he desired her, but after seeing how warm and kind she was, he no longer felt worthy of her.
I love my damaged heroes but in this case, Logan was his own worst enemy. Instead of simply appreciating the affection of a woman who he felt unworthy of, Logan did everything he could to destroy it.
It was a great story and sadly the ending of a wonderful series.
Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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