Briana @ Pages Unbound
Written on Jan 7, 2012
The writing style of The Frog Princess will probably appeal to only a select group of readers, however. Baker attempts to be funny or modern, maybe both, but the effect is that Princess Emma sounds completely out of place. Her rude, contemporary speech suggests that a royal upbringing was missing, even though her mother is supposedly a stickler for decorum, and it makes her sound as if she does not belong in her own time period—whenever, precisely, that is. Some readers may find this approach refreshing; others will find it quite jarring.
The plot also strives to be more fun than believable. Ridiculous obstacles arise at every turn, and then convenient solutions pop up around the next corner. This does keep things exciting, but none of the plot twists get the time they deserve, and there comes a point when one begins to wonder whether the story should not have ended already. The frog prince himself makes a similar observation, which suggests Baker may actually be aware of the problem. It would have been better for her to resolve it rather than joke about it, however.
In the end, my complaints may be unique to readers who have encountered tighter and more complex books. The Frog Princess does have enough going on to keep younger readers—the intended audience—interested, and they may find that the characters’ dialogue actually makes them relatable. There are enough books in the series to indicate that someone is reading and enjoying them.
This review was also posted at Pages Unbound Book Reviews.