Written on Nov 11, 2018
We see his personal life, and how so many people relied on him. We also got to see all the people who helped inspire his characters rather it was something they briefly mentioned, their personality, or just them being them. This sounds rather cool, but after a while, it just got a bit repetitive and I felt like it didn't constantly need to be mentioned that he was going to save that and put it in a book one day. We already know that type of thing so it was just not needed.
I really started to lose interest in this book when Charles became obsessed with a woman in a cape. He followers her almost every night and they form a type of friendship that could have led to more but thankfully doesn't. I just didn't really care for it and I didn't like the whole creepy stalkerish vibes I was getting at times. We also see Charles start to get really possessive at times over her for no real reason, especially as people had valid worries about what was happening. These things just kind of left me feeling Meh about the book. Am I glad I finally read it? Kind of, but it's one that I could have also gone my whole life without reading.