The legend of King Arthur lives on...
It is several years now since Arthur, the Last Dragon of Britain, has set foot on home soil. Roaming the Land of the Denes, he has not only engaged in brutal and bloody conflict with the barbaric Geats but he has also unearthed the most evil force within the royal court of Heorot. And, under the guidance of Stormbringer, the mighty Sae Dene king, he has honed his skills as a commander. Now the time has come for Arthur to brave the dangers of the frozen north as he and a band of daring sea-faring warriors prepare to embark on his ultimate voyage - to return to Britain and to create a kingdom of his own...
- ISBN10 1472215737
- ISBN13 9781472215734
- Publish Date 21 May 2015 (first published 15 January 2015)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher Headline Publishing Group
- Imprint Headline Review
- Format Paperback (B-Format (198x129 mm))
- Pages 576
- Language English