Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Aug 28, 2014
I thought The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet was a nice, modern adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Even though I know it was based off of The Secret Diaries of Lizzie Bennet YouTube series it was still a little reminiscent of Disney's Lizzie Maguire. I also liked how the author incorporated places into this retelling. i.e. Pemberley and Grace Church Street both becoming Communications Businesses. Charlotte who is a dependent creature in Austen's novel becomes a strong independent woman who doesn't fall into romance with Mr. Collins, ewww.
Not Fond of:
For me, the wording between this novel and Pride and Prejudice was too similar. I felt like George Wickham had been plucked from Austen's novel and was parading around in a speedo. By this I mean that I didn't feel there was much originality to the characters other than modern garb and a sex tape.
Final Thoughts:
One must put aside her Jane Austen purestness and state that overall, The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet was a fun read, for Austen fans and those who are just looking for an enjoyable book.