Written on Dec 5, 2017
Cold as Ice follows a single mom who keeps finding dead bodies wherever she goes. The only problem is now these bodies are her friends and the police are starting to get worried about how she is always around when they are found.
Add in that the latest bodies are connected to her in a round about way, and things start to look a little suspicious. If it wasn't for her small relationship with a detective, I'm sure she would have been a suspect.
Personally I never really got into the story. The characters were okay, and the story itself was a good mystery, but it just wasn't one that I had to keep reading all the time. The way the main character just kept going into these situations and investigating things on her own, instead of listening to the detective and using her brain got annoying by the end. Then she was the one that was upset because the detective just didn't want to be apart of her life anymore. Like really.. he told you not to and he's probably risking his own job to help you not be investigated.
The only side characters I liked were the main characters daughter and house keeper. Everyone else I found to be extremely superficial and catty.
I don't think I'm going to continue with this series.
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