This is the fourth book I read/listened to in a row that had a hero who was a geek or scientist. It wasn’t planned that way. I was just going through series and that is where they all landed. Kane Karys is known as the “smart” brother. He is the scientist. He spends most of his time in the lab working on the cure for the virus that is affecting vampire mates, shifters and most recently witches. He doesn’t believe in love. He looks at it like a scientist.
“What about love?”
He sighed “Love is a chemical reaction induced in our brain to encourage propagating the species. The sensation is merely a scientific phenomenon, like the northern lights.”
Kane isn’t as much of a fighter, but that doesn’t mean he can’t kick some ass. He just isn’t as good at it as his brothers. He also isn’t as good at fitting in with humans as his brothers. But he is the only one available to seek out the only demon destroyer they have found in years. So he is sent out to bring in Amber Freebird to help them free their youngest brother, Jase, from the demons.
Amber grew up in a commune where they grow all their own organic vegetables. They don’t eat any animals products all. She is a complete vegan. She lives completely off the grid and is quite the eco-nut. Kane approachers she has no idea what he is talking about with demons and such. She thinks he is referring to inner demons or something. She has no idea about her powers. Oh, Amber is also a pacifist, which isn’t a great way to battle demons.
Needless to say, Kane tried to convince Amber to mate with him, so that he will share her powers and he can fight the demons for her. Like I said, he doesn’t understand love. He doesn’t get how much asking her for something like mating for a purpose instead of for something like love would hurt her.
There is quite a bit of the story told from Jase’s POV. The demons are not kind to him. One of the female demons try to get him to mate her so that he could save her from her evil brother. Jase has quite the decision to make. I won’t spoil it by telling you what choice he makes.
There is also more between Zane, Kalin, and Janie. Don’t worry. This isn’t a love triangle in the making (I don’t think). Kalin is a bad guy. He keeps trying to get in between Zane and Janie. He also wants Janie because she is the key to winning the war. Janie wants nothing to do with him. Zane continues to push Janie away because he says he isn’t the good guy either. I don’t know. We did learn more about what Zane is.
There’s only two more full length stories in this series, Jase and Janie’s stories. I’m really interested in learning more about both of these two characters, and Zane as part of Janie’s story. I also really want to see what happens with the overall story. While I haven’t loved the romance in this series, I’ve continued to enjoy the story of the overall series and learning more about each character as each of their stories is told.
Karen White continues to do a great job with this series. I don’t know what else I can say about her that I haven’t already said. Her voice choices are perfect for each character. I never question which character is talking. I do listen at an increased speed, but I do that with all my audiobooks.
**I like to thank the publisher for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.