Provoked by Rebecca Zanetti

Provoked (Dark Protectors, #5)

by Rebecca Zanetti


A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they’re going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war…


Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there’s no way he’s going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract…

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

Dage Kayrs is the King, Talon is the strategist, Conn is the fighter and Kane Kayrs is the smart brother. So there is no one more upset than Kane that he hasn’t been able to find a cure for the Virus-27 which is plaguing his people and his allies. And why are the inoculations for the shifters suddenly no longer effective? And why after four long years hasn’t he been able to find his brother, Jase, who was captured by the Demons?

Demons have the ability to torture and cause pain in the mind. Even if they find Jase and rescue him, after four years of physical and mental torture, will there be anything left of the fun-loving Jase that they all love? What they need is a Demon Detroyer who can counter the Demon’s powers, but no Detroyer has been found in decades. The Demons have hunted them all down.

When a Destroyer is finally located, Kane races to find her only to find out she’s a vegan, pacifist who thinks Kane is absolutely crazy with this talk of demons, vampires, shape-shifters and kurjans. Not only does she think he’s crazy, but she has no intentions in fighting anyone, ever, even if she had any idea what superpowers he is talking about.

Although Amber is probably the most exasperating woman he has ever met, Kane is convinced that the sensible thing for them to do is mate, then he would share her physic ability and be able to use it as a weapon against the demons. That fact that she can’t see the logic behind his offer is astounding. There is no time for poetry, sonnets or ridiculously love in a time of war. Kane can feel that he is running out of time and Kane needs Amber’s cooperation or her power soon if he is going to save his brother.

Kane isn’t sure what is frustrating him more, his inability to solve all the problems that his people and his allies are facing, his inability to save his brother or the tiny slip of a woman who can’t see the logic of doing things his way.

But he is right about one thing…time is running out for Jase and if they don’t hurry there may be nothing left of Jase to save…


I think I ran out of fingernails halfway through the book and started chewing on my fingers. Oh my God, poor Jase!! I could never be an author (besides lack of talent) because I could never do that to my beloved characters. Evil author…you kill me… when is the next book? When?? I need to know what happens!! You make me contemplate a B&E. Maybe I can bribe her cat to e-mail a copy of the next draft…hmm…

I love how Amber twists up the stoic and logical Kane. To Kane the logical thing since Amber won’t fight and doesn’t know how to use her powers, would be to mate with him and he would then share her abilities. He could then go save his brother. Amber wants love, especially when you re talking mating forever…forever forever…since they are nearly immortal! Surprisingly the brilliant Kane is absolutely certain that love doesn’t exist, and he can’t seem to make the connection between the feelings he has for his family and how he begins to feel for Amber and label it love.

I will say that I was so torn up about getting to Jase, that I was distracted by the romance. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, tell her you love her and let’s go!!!!”

With everything going on with Jase, and Kane and Amber, we see little of Janie. But what we do see is that Janie is growing up and already getting very powerful with her abilities, and in the dream realm where they meet, the tensions between Janie, Zane and Kalin are heating up, and Zane saying “...get ready. I’m coming for you, Janie Belle. Soon!” left me giddy. *he,he,he*

All I can say is, I need more! Please write faster! What happens to Jase? When do we finally get to Janie, Zane and Kalin? And what about Maggie? Can Maggie get a story too? A short story maybe? :)

Received ARC from, courtesy of the publisher. Thank you.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2012: Reviewed