Quirky Cat
Written on Feb 22, 2020
Written by Graham McNeill, False Gods is the epic continuation to Horus Rising. We’re still steadily building towards the main conflict, with faith and loyalties being cast into doubt all over the place.
“We will be called heretics, but we are right, he is wrong.”
False Gods is an epic read, one that is brilliantly intense and fascinating. This is a series perfect for fans of the game, as well as new fans that are merely curious about the lore (and trust me, there’s plenty of that to go around).
This novel is so full of characters, events, and plots that it’s almost difficult to believe that it was all one book. The fall of Horus into corruption is not quick, but it is steady. And the implications of his actions become more terrifying as time goes on.
Honestly, there was a lot to love about this novel. It explains how Horus came to his change of opinion, for example. It also shows off many of the other Primarks (while shining a light on how Horus felt about each and every one of them).
It’s also full to the brim of politics, battles, gore, and so much more. The Horus Heresy may not be officially out in the open here, but you can clearly see it brewing. As it turns out, there are many elements required in making it all begin – and it was a fascinating experience watching (reading) it all fall into place.
I haven’t even mentioned one of my favorite parts about the series thus far – Loken. He’s one of the leading perspectives for this novel. His story continues here, and it has quickly become a highlight* worth looking forward to (in my opinion). His viewpoint is grounding, an essential point in a plot full of monsters and giants.
“’What lies beyond that door?’ Asked Horus, backing away from the silver portal.
‘Truths you will not want to see,’ replied Sejanus, ‘and answers you will not want to hear.’”
I went into False Gods with several assumptions and expectations. Those were all blasted apart and replaced with something just as interesting – if not more so. This was an epic tale, worthy of the Space Marines and the dramatic confrontation we all know is brewing.
I know I am very behind on the times, with only sitting down to read The Horus Heresy now. But honestly, I have no regrets. I’m really enjoying every minute of the series thus far, and I am actively looking forward to seeing what will happen next.
*Before anybody feels the need to comment about Loken, I already know. I read False Gods and Galaxy in Flames back to back. So I know what is going to happen.
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