Emma (SCR)
Usually Samantha's books are romance based. This book however was not. I don't quite know how to describe it. It wasn't thriller, it wasn't your typical chick lit, it wasn't a horror. If I had to place this in a genre I would really struggle.
Emma left her home and family 2 years ago. She has been to hell and back in that time and has now turned her life around. She returns hoping for a family reunion. While things don't go quite like she hoped I think it was still the right decision. Emma is a hard character to love but also a hard character to hate. She has made so many bad choices in her past. However, in her present she is trying so hard to not to necessarily make up for those choices but to make a difference.
Some parts of this were quite hard to read. It's scary how some of the character's lives changed and how close we can be to the edge. This book really made me stop and think.
Samantha's writing was engaging and I really struggled to put this book down. Like I said I have read some of Samantha's previous books but I think this book was another level. I think this genre suits her writing better than her romance novels.
The ending left the story a little unfinished and I would love to carry on that thread. I think Samantha has another book planned in this genre so I'm very excited for this.