Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Dec 2, 2011
The Voice on the Radio, could have come off like a rehash of The Face on the Milk Carton, but it didn't, I was riveted once again. Janie's story was told in a new refreshing voice as fascinating as it was the first time. Although, I had a hard time getting past what a prick Reeve was being. Reeve, the perfect boy next door, why Reeve, why? How could you sell your girlfriend like that? Even the head of the radio station said as much. I was disappointed. Although, despite my loathing Reeve his scenes were my favorite as they were the most dramatic. The Janie front was filled with whining and crying which gets a little old. I really enjoyed this installment in the Janie Johnson series, even though Janie was like a whiny three year old and Reeve was an undeserving dick, because occasionally I think its fun no matter how annoying to have a character you want to throw the book at.