Written on Mar 14, 2014
Should we talk about the predictability first? There's a bit of mystery here: what happened to Lucas's brother. And though that wasn't necessarily predictable, I did figure out who was behind everything the first time that particular character appeared in the story.
The first time. I also guessed the character would do something at the end that would draw Cecily and Lucas together at the very end. Either I have excellent guessing skills or How to Dance with a Duke was predictable.
But it was still enjoyable. Even if I don't quite believe you can be shot in the shoulder and then be up and moving around the next day like nothing happened and have no lasting effects. *gives that situation the side eye*
I've talked before about how I like heroines who are smart and/or ahead of their time. And Cecily definitely fits that score. Which is why this book worked for me, doubts and predictability aside. It was a good way to spend an evening, and I plan on picking up the next books in the series. (Plus, I liked the cousins.)