Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
Instantly, I'm drawn to Allen. Bless him, from the start, I had tears in my eyes and I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him God's in control and all will work out. He was wonderfully chiseled, wonderfully life-like and I fell in love with him instantly. Laura's character was wonderful, as well, and I was so happy she was there in a tragic time! She really made the story pop. And sweet Mollie......oh sweet Mollie. A little character that was a perfect addition (not that I think that because of our names, though spelled differently, being the same!). These characters, while suffering from tragic events, were characters that became a part of me, wholly, like family.
I highly recommend this 5 star addition to the Amish Homestead series. You'll be instantly captivated, turning page after page, long into the night. This book is emotional, yet full of God's grace, God's timing and characters that you'll want to invite to your own porch swing and sip tea and visit with until the sun sets on the horizon. Ms. Clipston, you've done it again and I can't sign praises high enough for another hit! Bring on the next!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*