This book was the February pick for the FYA Book Club and I really enjoyed it! I read it in almost one sitting and could hardly put it down. I was in the minority at book club for this view, but it was quite funny to hear what everyone else thought of it! I found the concepts of the different dimensions really interesting, and it was so cool to see what might have been but for one small change. Some were more technologically advanced than others, and some hadn't advanced as quickly as our dimension. While time travel is a no-no in this book, you still got to experience an element of time travel because no two dimensions were exactly the same and I really enjoyed that.
For someone who doesn't read a great deal of science fiction, I thought the world building was really well executed - key concepts were explained well, and not in an info-dumpy way. I didn't care too much for the romance in this book, and neither Theo nor Paul were compelling characters for me. Marguerite also makes some morally ambiguous choices in other dimensions which I didn't really agree with, because of the impact it would have on that dimension's Marguerite once she leaves. On the whole, however, I found this to be quite a compelling read and I'm really looking forward to continuing with this series - 4 stars.
Check out the rest of my review here!