Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Apr 7, 2015
I didn't know much, if anything about The Twelve Dancing Princesses (of which this story is based on) and appreciated that my ignorance did not have to factor into the enjoyment of The Girls at the Kingfisher Club.
The characters were fun and well developed. Each sister had a unique personality that I got to know well. Although I enjoyed the dynamics between Jo, Lou and Tom most of all.
Not fond of:
Jo was described as "showing her age" and had the beginnings of grey hairs. She couldn't be more than thirty and the descriptions made her sound like the spinster aunt. Perhaps it is because I just turned thirty myself, but I found it a bit annoying.
I rarely say this but I wanted a Tom Hanks Meg Ryan ending. I wanted Jo and Tom to end up together and have that happy ending. To realize they were meant to be, and because I did not get Sleepless in Seattle I was a little disappointed.
Final Thoughts:
A cute retelling in the era of prohibition and with a Jo/Laurie (aka Little Women) kind of love story was an entertaining book to read.