I loved getting to meet some of the 'famous' fairy tale characters. And the twists their stories took. (Though I could have done without a geriatric Peter Pan... Poor Peter!!) Merlin was hilarious, and spot on if you like the way he's portrayed in The Sword In The Stone.
I also liked the surprise twist with Hort, as well as the fact the witch coven played big roles in this book again. All the books have been a fun read, but this one was a little bittersweet too since it's the last one. Agatha did a lot of worrying about not being a good Queen. She was scared, and she and Tedros had a lot of fights/squabbles through out the book. But she didn't realize that he was insecure too.
I liked that we got to see yet another side of Agatha, as well as a new dimension of Tedros. (Though in the beginning I mostly wanted to smack him. And then he started actually explaining himself to Agatha and it got better!) Sophie was nearly perfect. I mean, she was a little annoying at times. But as far as her reactions to everything that was happening to and around her? They were spot on for how I see her character.
I never liked Rafal though. Which since he is Evil in more than the 'good verses evil' way, works. But even when he was being sweet with Sophie I didn't like him.
There were so many twists in this! Some of them completely unexpected. Most added to the plot, but a few I just kind of was like "well okay then..." I liked this book over-all, and if you've read the other two books in the series you should read this one as well. But I think I liked the first two books better than this one. I still liked this book, it just didn't click with me quite as much.
This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon