Written on Jul 29, 2015
A Brush of Darkness did start off good. I really liked Abby. She's not the typical kick-ass heroine. In fact, she really doesn't know much about the supernatural world at all, being new in town and all. It's also extremely draining for her to be a Touchstone, especially when two more supernaturals link with her, because she suffers from seizures. At times I did find her cluelessness a bit annoying, because her not knowing something meant the reader also doesn't get to know it. But luckily there are others around her willing to fill in the gaps so she doesn't get herself killed along the way. This world ended up being really interesting once we learned more about it. It's pretty much got all of the typical supernaturals: demons, angels, shapeshifters, elves, fae, and of course, a unicorn.
While I liked the world and the characters, it was the plot that really got me down. We don't meet Abby's missing boss, Moira, until the end and we don't get to know much about her at all. How am I suppose to care that she's missing? I didn't. Even when the others disappeared, it's not like I had any attachments or interests in them. They were just names on a page at that point. So of course at the end when the villain gives his big speech, I didn't care, because, hey, I don't know you! It was just weird. Although I do have to say that there's some super interesting stuff that I hadn't read before going on near the end. Very cool.
In the end, A Brush of Darkness was okay. If only the plot had actually been focused on Abby, or any character that we actually got to know, it would have been pretty great. There's a lot of fun and unique stuff happening here, so that might be enough to entice to me read the next two books.
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