Regular readers will know by now how much of a fan of David Levithan's I am. There have been only two books of his that I've read so far that I haven't enjoyed immensely, so when I was offered the chance to review both Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist and Naomi & Ely's No Kiss List, co-written by Levithan and Rachel Cohn, I jumped at the chance, seeing as I absolutely adored Dash & Lily's Book of Dares! And I am overjoyed to say Nick & Norah is absolutely adorable!
Nick has just finished performing with his band at a gig, when he spots Tris, the girl who broke his heart almost four weeks ago. He's still having trouble getting past their break up, so to avoid talking to her, he asks the random girl next to him at the bar to pretend to be his girlfriend for the next five minutes. Norah, under the impression that as Nick is in a band, he's going to have wheels, and she really needs to get her drunk friend Caroline home, so she agrees by kissing him. But Norah is also getting over a painful break up, and this random meeting might be just what they both need to move on.
Oh my gosh this book is just beautiful! Nick is just the sweetest guy! The sweetest! And ever so slightly clueless, but in the best possible way. Accept for when it leads to misunderstandings and crossed wires. Norah is spunky and cool, but also sensible and sometimes little scared and unsure. Despite not knowing each other for very long, there is a spark between them, but one is never quite sure what the other one thinks about them, and so the night goes from one place to the next, bonding over music, as they stumble and climb through insecurity and mistakes to what's real. Oh my god, they are just so cute!
Levithan and Cohn have both very distinct writing styles, so Nick and Norah's voices are very different. I absolutely love Levithan's style, and his beautiful turn of phrase. He is so damn quotable! I find myself almost always wanting to read his parts out loud, just to hear the awesomeness of his writing, as well as read it. I really enjoy Cohn's writing too. As with Lily in Dash & Lily, her Norah is filled with a quiet bravery, despite her moments of regret, uncertainty and insecurity. She is a taker of small risks, and I love her for that. Cohn seems to write real girls, but also girls to be admired, and I really love that about these books.
The title of the book comes from something said by Nick, and so from Levithan, and it is just beautiful! I don't want to spoil how beautiful it is, but it's so in line with what you expect from Levithan. It's just the perfect title! I love it!
An incredible story! I'm really looking forward to reading Naomi & Ely next, and to watching the movie of Nick & Norah!
Thank you to Electric Monkey for the review copy.