Written on Dec 16, 2016
First Date: We first met April Frost in SEVEN. She worked in the candy shop with Lexi and is now the manager. April lives outside of town in the trailer of her recently departed grandmother. She is quirky, sweet, and slightly damaged. Despite loving her romance novels she doesn't believe in happily ever after and depends on no one. This makes her fearlessly independent, but her inability to confide in others will put her in danger. Reno Cole, the oldest shifter of the pack, is a private investigator who finds Lexi's friend refreshingly intriguing. He is quiet, soft-spoken and a bit of a loner but thanks to his wolf he gets to know her. We meet the first threat that presents itself to April. He actions had me shaking my head. I understood her, but that didn't stop me from wanting to slap her on the back of the head Gibb's style. (NCIS tv show character)
Second date: We meet April's best friend Trevor and witness the attraction developing between April and Reno. April was a real struggle for me. In some ways I understood her, and in others, I only wanted to scream. Now, Reno, I understood. He is pack- which makes him protective and loyal. He's quiet but shows his feelings through simple acts like fixing a leak or remembering what you like. We see April get out of one jam, only to get in another, and still, she tells no one. I kept waiting for the next ball to drop. We had an interesting time at a Pack party that had me giggling. It also allowed us to catch up with characters. Something is off with Trevor; I am just not sure what.
Third Date: Confessions, conflicts, and misunderstanding between the pack and April. Ugh. As frustrated as I was Dark kept things interesting and had me trying to figure out how everything would work out. Or more precisely what April would do to make it worse. The girl does have some backbone, but there is pride, and then there is stupidity. She crossed that line. Despite my struggles, we do see character growth and Reno delivered the swoon. My date left me smiling and eager to being FIVE WEEKS. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer