Written on Dec 20, 2013
Jack Townsende is the best action hero in Tinseltown. He may not be the most prettiest man in Hollywood but he most definitely is one of the sexiest. He’s left many a heart’s broken over the past few years and there isn’t a woman that’s been left unTownsendized (well except for Meryl Streep) and Hollywood hotshop screenwriter, Lou Calabrese hates his guts.
She hates his guts because her best friend is one of the heartbreakee’s of Jack Townsende. She hates the way he is with women and she just hates…him because he changed her lines and you don’t do that with a writer. Writers are very touchy about that kind of stuff.
The book starts off with Lou’s man eloping with Jack’s ex. The headlines in all of the papers reported on it. They did it because Lou’s man is an actor who Lou gave his start. Jack’s ex is an actress as well and they just filmed a movie together and now they’re together…and it broke Lou’s heart. It didn’t break Jack’s heart though, come on now…
So Jack Townsende is filming the latest movie in the Copkiller series (which is like one of those Bruce Willis Die Hard movies) and they’re filming in Alaska. The director, Tim Lord is planning on blowing up one of the mines over there and Lou is going to make sure that it doesn’t happen. So she’s flying out to the set (you have to take a plane to it from Anchorage) to try to get Tim to reconsider. It’s while she’s on that flight with Jack Townsende that they get held up and they find out that somebody is out to kill Jack.
Could it be one of his many jilted ex lovers? They don’t know, all they know is that they have to run for their lives in the woods (not the tundra) and they’re taken on this adventure that neither of them want to be apart of and just as Jack is deciding to quit the business, Lou decides that she’s given up on actors….only things don’t always go the way they should because in the midst of all the running away from the bad guys and trying to stay alive, something is happening between Jack and Lou and she might not have what it takes to walk away from something this big.
This book was another great one from Meg Cabot, it’s not my new favorite or anything but I was happy while reading this book. I was happy that Jack was just so extremely hot and Lou wasn’t this dense, argue all the time, it’s my way or the highway attitude lady who I wanted to strangle all the time. She was normal. She was cool and she could shoot to kill when she needed to.
Jack Townsende was one of those actor heroes that you just fell in love with even though he’s a heartbreaker. He’s one of those guys that you know is sexy without even having a picture to look at. He’s cool, sexy, confident and just everything you want in a hero…he’s older too because he had hints of grey in his hair and that was a-okay with me. I want to marry Jack, that’s how fine he is!
Lou was a great heroine, she was loyal to her friends even though it was hard for her to stay loyal and once Jack proved to her that he was in this for the long haul and not just as long as he could find the next best piece of ass, Lou loved with all that she was. It was nice. She was funny, sassy, smart and extremely brave and I enjoyed getting to know her.
There were great secondary characters in this book from Jack’s Mom to Lou’s Dad and her brothers. I would have liked to get to know Lou’s brothers more but it’s okay that they didn’t make a bigger appearance in here, they might have overwhelmed the storyline so I was okay with that. One thing that I thought was lame was the way the story all came together, the bad guys….I totally saw it coming in the middle of the book, it was too easy for me but aside from that little thing, I really enjoyed this read. I think all of you guys should read it when you’re in the mood for something light, funny and cute.
That’s what this book is all about.
Grade: 4 out of 5