Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Oct 11, 2008
Little Bitty Lies by Mary Kay Andrews centers around Mary Bliss McGowan whose husband has left her and their 17 year old daughter Erin, leaving her only with the kitchen sink. Parker McGowan has run into some business trouble and cleans out all of his family's assets i.e. checking and savings, IRA, Erin's tuition, and a second mortgage, literally everything, leaving his girls broke. I never really got why he would do this, especially to Erin who is supposedly a "Daddy's Girl". Desperate acts call for desperate measures as they say and so Mary Bliss and her BFF fly to Mexico in order to stage her husband's death in order to collect his life insurance policy.
This was a mindless read, but after the two friends are caught red-handed the book takes a turn for the worst, the storyline gets a little to bizarre and too many things are thrown into the mix, havoc with the daughter, a midlife crises/love affair for Mary Bliss and their so called "fool proof" plan coming to bite them in the ass. I guess the best way to describe Little Bitty Lies by Mary Kay Andrews is to compare it to a train wreck, it's a horrible thing but you can't avert your eyes from it.