I struggle to rate this book - there are things I greatly enjoyed in it, but also so much that was so awful!
But fair warning - this book is not for everyone - in fact if you struggle with...Read more
I struggle to rate this book - there are things I greatly enjoyed in it, but also so much that was so awful!
But fair warning - this book is not for everyone - in fact if you struggle with any aspect of dark fantasy keep this far away from you.
(E.G. if you have no time to reflect or have compassion for Snape by the end of Harry Potter don't even think about reading this.)
Jorg Ancrath is the Prince of Anrath who really is the least like any "Disney Prince" that a prince could be. I enjoy a "good" anti-hero....he is beyond that. He actively instigates and ignores blatant abuse and evil that is around him. He leads a band of outlaws in a world where almost everyone is doing something evil and/or chaotic. This world is brutal, chaotic, and quite evil - and it takes you right into the heart of it.
I enjoy a book where it isn't obvious where it is going - I didn't know the ending by the second chapter. I am shocked by the main character in the first paragraph.
But ultimately the downplaying of abuse (especially the casualness that rape is treated in this story) made it very challenging for me to read or get into the world. I know it happens - I even get it for a plot point, but this book treated it to a point where it has no more lasting effect than a swiping of a chocolate bar.
The redeeming point for me in this book was being surprised by some of the plot points in this book. I also listened to the audiobook and quite enjoyed the narration by James Clamp.
I may end up finishing the series (just cause I hate to leave them hanging), but this book falls in a solid 2.5 stars for me primarily for the casualness of some issues that were discussed beyond the point of plot building or "art".